Mario Jerrel williams born in january 31, 1985. His first debut of footbal at North Carolina State University. Mario was played with Houston Texans since 2006, then in 2011, Mario play in Buffalo bills and signed a six year contract that's worth up to $100 million. Mario recently donated five specially equipped chevrolet Camaros to the HPD Traffic Enforcement Division. These car donation are equipped with police package to go after a speeders.
Williams said that “It definitely means a lot to me to have this certificate,”. The mayor Annise Parker and the Police Chief Charles thank to Mario for his sport car donation.
The Super Mario Crusher
Super Mario are the name of Mario William Nickname although his looks like an aggressive person, the fact is mario are a family man. He entered the 2006 NFL draft as a junior is because his sister needed his support emotionally and financially.