Clean water in Africa is just a myth?

Water Crisis in Africa, we must act soon

fresh water in africa
We drink fresh water every day, bath with clean water but in Africa, people have to spend billion hours walking to get clean water in Africa. Women and children are usually have a job in their family to collect clean water in Africa. The children in Africa only get a little time to get an education because they have to collect water in long distance, working and taking care of their family. When they walking miles to the nearest source of clean water, they are subjected to a big risk of harassment or sexual assault. Hauling cans of water make many women get  back pain, it's because the hauling cans weight when full is around 40 pounds and they have to carried the hauling can in their back. With safe water in Africa or clean water nearby, women and children will have  more opportunities to improve their quality life. With safe water nearby means more time to get education and build their future.           
women looking clean water in africa

hauling can safe water in africa
Africa Water Crisis has become more greater risk today. In Africa, 90% from 30,000 death every week are from unsafe water or poor hygienic quality in their live condition. WHO report that actually 3.6% of global disease can be prevented by giving a good quality of safe water, sanitation and hygiene. Unclean water can contain E.coli, salmonella typhi, schistosoma, cholera vibrios, hepatitis A, this will causing diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A and other illnesses. Overall economic loss due to lack of safe and clean water, sanitation in Africa are around $28 billions (According to The United Nations World Water Development Report). In some areas in Africa are impossible to gathering water, and if a family want to use a private water distributor it will costing up to 11% of their family incomes. Margaret Catley-Carlson as the Vice Chair of World Economic Forums said "Water is an astonishingly complex and subtle force in an economy. It is the single constraint on the expansion of every city, and bankers and corporate executives have cited it as the only natural limit to economic growth".
water donation-donate now

One of the charities water are There are 3 ways if you want to donate for water donation. First options are "donate and print a card", "sponsor a water project" and "donate and send a gift card". If you need a gift right away and also want to donate, you can choose first option. You will get print-it-yourself card. The second option are fund a water project for school, village or clinic, and when the project finished, they will provide a GPS coordinates and photo in Google maps so you can see the proof of your water project or water donation. The third options are you can make a donation and dedicate it to your friend.

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